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Maintain decency in a pandemic

Decency is one of the main values ​​described by prof. Władysław Bartoszewski. However, those who refer this word only to the author’s literary legacy are wrong. It seems that Bartoszewski practiced this value throughout his life. He was celebrating decency.

Times and customs

It is worth being a decent person – as emphasized by the Professor. Why? H. Böll, a Nobel Prize winner who aptly commented on this word as understood by Bartoszewski, combined it with dignity, honor and honesty. Features that form a man in hard times, times of trial. The life of W. Bartoszewski exposed him to numerous inconveniences, imprisonment, harassment and threats. The experiences of war and occupation, Stalinism and persecution formed the politics of free Poland, its minister, intellectual and writer. He certainly would not have been afraid of the pandemic that broke out in 2020. However, bearing in mind the life path of the prisoner of Auschwitz No. 4427, he would probably urge people to maintain decency and believe in it fervently. Coronavirus is one occasion to celebrate decency. It is deeply fair to take care of others, vaccinate and distance yourself when necessary so that we can meet at better times.


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